Signature Bridge on the main Artery into the city of Abu Dhabi UAE designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. Asymmetric steel arches with suspended concrete box grider Deck Structure.
Total Length: 842 m, Main Span 140 m, 4 lanes. Completion 2010.
Owner: Municipality of Abu Dhabi
Contractors: Archirodon Construction (Overseas) Co. S.A. – Six Construct Ltd.
Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects
Structural Engineering: High-Point Rendel
Construction Stage Analysis: Buckland & Taylor ltd.
Site Management by Roy Lengweiler
Temporary Works design by Andreas Faessler
Photos: Roy Lengweiler – Archirodon Overseas Ltd.
Black and White Series from Art Exhibition ‘Sheikh Zayed – Inside out, by Roy Lengweiler